Lazy Sunday


I’m definitely in energy saving mode today.
I woke up later than usual… It was already light outside…and cold so I decided to stay in bed a while longer, nice and warm. Waking up slowly, a nice and quiet moment before actually getting up. Suddenly the big pile of laundry I had been ignoring all week popped into my head…gone was that nice moment of relaxation…brutally interrupted by the image of laundry in my head… For a moment I was wondering if I could just ignore it another day, but that wouldn’t be an option… The children were already asking for their favourite clothes that had been sitting in the laundry basket for days… Unfortunately laundry doesn’t magically do itself… so after a big sigh I decided that it was time to get into action and get the laundry done today. Coffee first though! Coffee and breakfast! A little procaffeination won’t harm… Yes, I master the art of doing nothing until I’ve had my cup of coffee!

Laundry is done now…well partly…I only did what was necessary and decided to do the rest of the laundry in the following days…if I have (want to make) time for it…
I’ve put on some music and just made a big pot of tea. Next to coffee I’m a big tea lover. There’s a shop in my home town that sells loose tea and I love to try new flavours. Yesterday I went to buy some of my favourite tea and also bought a new flavour to try. Loose tea always tastes so good!

I’m sipping my tea while writing this blog and looking back on the past week. It’s been a busy week behind the scenes. Two bits of news you may have missed or may not have noticed yet.

Robb is featured artist on Coffee House Radio this month. Coffee House Radio features music from singers and songwriters. Online, they provide a 24/7 stream of music and featured artists. Next to that Coffee House Radio broadcasts an hour long radio program with music from some of today’s finest new and known singers and songwriters. The show is on WHFC, WMNB, and WCSQ. You can find Coffee House Radio on Twitter through the following link:
Visit their website to listen:

Over to the other bit of news. We received a great review of ‘North Star’ from Angry Baby !
“Glisteningly wintery, warm and fuzzy, the song holds an entire landscape in the simplest of arrangements.”
Read the full review through the following link:
While you’re there, check out their website! You will find some great new music on there!

Time to end this blog with a song. No better song to use for this blog than ‘Coffee & Tea’!
Have a listen! And…while you’re there on Spotify, please give Robb a follow!


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