Story behind the picture #3

“A picture is worth a thousand words”
This quote is so true…but even more so a picture is worth a thousand memories.

Forgotten memories… Pictures help to keep memories alive; they can transport you to a different time and place. Each picture holds a story…a story you may have forgotten about. One look at a picture can bring back those forgotten memories. You remember when the picture was taken, where it was, what happened during that day, who you were with and what the weather was like. It makes you relive that moment.
Thankfully a lot of pictures were taken in the past years. Robb posted the picture below a couple of days ago. And of course there’s a story to tell about this picture!

The photo was taken during a tour of The Netherlands a couple of years ago…very early in the morning… Seeing the picture immediately brings back the memories of that day. We had to get up very early in the morning to visit Ekxpresso, a Saturday morning radio show on KX Radio in Amsterdam at 7 am. With a gig the night before we only had a couple of hours of sleep.
Sleep-deprived we arrived at the radio station and we received a warm welcome from Jeroen van de Beek (presenter) and Walter Bakker (producer) with coffee and breakfast. As I already mentioned in a previous blog, silliness takes over when tiredness kicks in…and that’s exactly what happened during that radio show too.

After the show we went outside to take some pictures…it’s then when the picture above was taken. You may wonder what is happening there…what are they looking at?
Well…nothing really… Until today no one knows what they were looking at 😉
It’s just silliness taking over!

Below a video with footage filmed during this morning.

It definitely was a day to remember!


kx radio

Want to stay updated? You can find more about Robb Murphy and his music through the following links! 

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