
Robb Murphy - Afterglow Cover art

The boats stack up as they wait for the lock
The captain’s at the table and he’s glad for the stop
He’s got a place he can saddle his shoes
Feet on the land and a drink with his crew

Time will pass years will go
Memories fade stories grow
Here at The Turning Point I’ve come to know
Peace is found in the afterglow

The mood is up as the sun goes down
And the sky rolls over Spijkerboor town
Nobody here feels a stranger’s weight
As the night unfolds the stories are told
God this place has a home in my soul

Two men who met their fate
One robbed one killed by the state
He thought he’d sneak on through
But cut down as suspicion grew

A place for medication, a home for a school
A place for an army to gather and rule
And when they lined up the locals to vet
They couldn’t find where the secrets where kept

The mood is up as the sun goes down
And the sky rolls over Spijkerboor town
Nobody here feels a stranger’s weight
As the night unfolds the stories are told
God this place has a home in my soul

And there may be nothing in a young man’s eyes
But give him time and he’ll awake inside
If it’s what you want stars will align
Don’t let others change your mind

They come from east, they come from west
Music is a force that pounds underneath your chest
Nobody here feels the stranger’s weight
As the night unfolds the stories are told
God this place has a home in my soul

‘Afterglow’ tells the story of a special place, a place we’ve visited each time Robb and the band were touring in The Netherlands; Café ‘t Keerpunt in Spijkerboor. Spijkerboor is a small village in Drenthe (province in the north of The Netherlands) with a peaceful and rural character. I remember walking into the pub for the first time and we were welcomed by the owner, Willem Dijkema, his wife Anneke and dog Skipper. It felt like stepping back in time. The pub breathes history and there’s a story attached to everything you see in the pub. From the pictures and instruments on the walls, to the cabinet behind the bar and the jukebox.

The story of the ‘t Keerpunt starts around 1750 when a lock keeper started a small pub for captains who had to wait at the ship lock. Since then the pub had 11 different owners, but until today the pub still exists. It stood the test of time.

‘t Keerpunt (translated to English: The Turning Point) is the heart of the village. It’s where locals come in to have a drink, eat and talk and it’s where events and activities take place.
It’s not only locals visiting the pub. The pub is known for its live music, poetry, literature and plays. Artists from all over the world have performed there and people come from far to see their favourite artists play there.

A few years ago Willem asked Robb if he would be up for writing a song about ‘t Keerpunt. More artists did the same and Willem explained that he wanted to make a compilation CD of songs about ‘t Keerpunt. Robb didn’t have to think twice about it and right away said yes to that request. This compilation CD will be released later on this year when Willem and Anneke will celebrate their 20 year ownership.

Each time Robb and the band performed at ‘t Keerpunt it feels like coming home. Many great memories were made there. The kindness, warmheartedness, the hospitality, the history… this pub is one of a kind. And this is what the song is about. Afterglow… a song about Café ‘t Keerpunt, a place where the stories and the music will never stop.

You can download ‘Afterglow’ on Bandcamp NOW!

‘Afterglow’ will be available on Spotify, iTunes, iTunes Music Player, Google Play Music, Amazon and other online music stores and streaming services from the 15th of March 2019.

🎶 do do do do do do 🎶 do do do do do do do do do do 🎶

Just a conversation I had with my 14-year old son this week:

Me: “Did you put clean bed sheets on your bed last weekend?”

Son: “I think so…”

Me: “I think not because there’s no bed sheets from you in the laundry basket”

Son: “I did it the week before!”

Me: “I think not, it’s been 4 weeks since I saw bed sheets from you in the laundry. I want you to put clean bed sheets on your bed tonight”

Son: *roles his eyes and sighs* “You know that magic sometimes happens…The fairy (read: mum) sometimes does it for me and I was only waiting for magic to happen”

Me: “I hate to break the news, but the fairy resigned. She’s is done with cleaning out your bedroom and she won’t do it anymore”

Son: “Is that what the fairy told you?? That’s a shame…”

Everyone raising teenagers will probably recognise conversations like this… And even if you don’t have children, you may remember how you were as a teenager… at least I remember it clearly! Things have changed so much in the past decades, but teenagers are still the same.

These are just everyday situations. Life with teenagers is challenging, but it also brings an awful lot of fun! Speaking of challenges, try keeping the house tidy when you have teenagers… Those of you who tried it, may have ended up like me. I gave up seeing it as a challenge, because it’s simply a mission impossible. I just clean and tidy the house and see it as a weekly returning chore, keeping things limited by avoiding the children’s bedroom…I simply close their bedroom doors so I don’t see their messy bedrooms anymore. With some luck I get to enjoy all the work for a couple of hours…until one of the children gets home from school. When they get home, it only takes a couple of minutes before the house looks like a bomb has exploded. In no time there will be a trace starting at the back door where you will find shoes, halfway into the living room there will be a sports bag, a little further into the living room you’ll find a school bag. School books, paper and pens on the dinner table, a coat on the floor in the hall way, socks half way upstairs, and more socks and a towel in front of the bathroom. I have to admit that I never have to search anymore to know where the children are…all I have to do is follow the trace. 😉

Another challenge is to get teenagers do house chores… Words like “cleaning”, “dish washer”, “tidy”, “laundry” or sentences starting with “Can you please…” or “I would like you to…” immediately cause something that looks like an allergic reaction… Their eyes will start to roll, followed by big sighs…faces turning red…there’ll be an instant urge for fresh air or even a need for a shower or visit to the bathroom… They’re even putting their fingers in their ears as if loud noise is making their ears hurt….even if I just whisper…

Overtime things are getting better though. Of course the children will never admit that it feels good to have a clean and tidy bedroom and they will never admit that cleaning and tidying can be fun with some loud music on. And yes, they will always complain, but at least they’re doing the chores we tell them to do and doing it all their own way. One thing for sure…our negotiating skills have improved and are still improving!

Those who’ve been reading my blogs will probably wonder what this has to do with Robb Murphy’s music… Well…nothing… This is just another day in my life… except for one little thing…

This song…


Whenever things get a little too much, I simply sing:

“Relax cut yourself a break mate, your mind is a fragile thing
Brain waves crave a little rest bite and skin needs sunlight

do do do do do do
do do do do do do do do do do

You haven’t really lived
You haven’t really lived ‘til you’re far from
The strongest and the wise
The hopeful and the few that lay between

You haven’t really lived
You haven’t really lived ‘til you’re far from
The strongest and the wise
The hopeful and the few that lay between
I need my headstrong
I need my headstrong”

As for the music, things have been crazy busy behind the scenes. We’re still in the middle of promoting the single ‘Sleep Tonight’. A couple of weeks ago a release event took place at 101 Donegall St. in Belfast along with the Ulster String Quartet in support to raise awareness of mental health through video and song. The support was provided by Randall Stephens Hall and Brigid O’Neill. See pictures below:

Robb also performed a stripped back version of Sleep Tonight on The Arts Show on BBC Radio Ulster. Click on the picture below to listen:


In case you’ve missed it…
You can buy the single on Bandcamp and get ‘Bound For Your Arms’ (Sessions In The House Recording) for free. That’s over 10 minutes of music for £ 1,– with all proceeds going to The Samaritans Belfast.

Next to this Robb is working on new songs, of which one was shared a few weeks ago as a taster. You can listen to it here:

Want to stay updated about all things happening regarding Robb Murphy’s music? Follow him on social media and keep an eye out on his website:


Sleep Tonight

It’s a beautiful sunny lazy Sunday out here. I’m sitting outside in the garden, enjoying fresh air and coffee. While drinking coffee I’m suddenly thinking about something that happened this week…a story worth to share.

Thursday… a beautiful sunny day. I worked in the morning and I was on my way home when I saw an old lady with a rollator standing at the sidewalk. She was looking around and seemed confused. Our eyes met, she started to smile and asked me if I knew where the nursing home was. The nursing home was close, just a few streets away, but instead of explaining her how to get there, I decided to walk with her. She seemed so confused. I told her that I would walk with her. That’s not what she had in mind, she didn’t want me to walk with her and apologised for bothering me, but I ignored her protesting and started walking with her. Along the way, the old lady kept talking. It turned out that she had left home early to go to her physio therapist. Usually a friend would bring her by car, but that day she decided to walk because the weather was so beautiful. On her way back she got lost and didn’t know the way back to the nursing home anymore. She went on telling me what she was up to that day. It was nearly lunch time and then she had planned an afternoon of playing bridge with friends. We soon got to the point where she could see the nursing home. She looked at me and while breathing a sigh of relief she thanked me for walking with her, said that I made her day and again she apologised. I told her not to worry at all and said that I enjoyed that 10 minute walk with her.

While walking home I kept thinking about the old lady… she was so confused. I don’t know how long she had been walking around that morning before I stopped and helped her, but I was glad that she made it to the nursing home safely. Situations like this make me stop and think. We all take so many things for granted, but how fragile we actually are… health, both physical and mental, is something so precious and valuable…

Mental Health…something you read and hear a lot about at the moment. It seems that people are talking about it more and it seems that mental health awareness is increasing. It’s still not enough though. For various reasons, too many people aren’t getting the help they so much need and the stigma around mental health is still there.

Which brings me to the music…
The title track from Robb Murphy’s second album, Sleep Tonight featuring The Ulster String Quartet is being released with the support of The Samaritans. It aims to raise awareness for mental health and the importance of communication rather than suppressing the condition. The single will be released on the 1st of June, all proceeds will go to the Samaritans Belfast. ‘Sleep Tonight’ the single, is already available for pre-release through the following links:

The animation video of the full album version created by Maria Becvar was released last Monday to mark the beginning of Mental Health Awareness week.

To celebrate the release an event (in support of The Samaritans) is planned on Sunday the 3rd of June along with the Ulster String Quartet, to help raise awareness of mental health issues through video and song. This event will take place at 101 Donegal Street, Belfast. Support by Randall Stephens Hall and Brigid O’Neill. Tickets are available now through the following link:

Time to end this long blog…
Not with a song, but with a bit of news.

‘Sleep Tonight’ was track of the day on Hotpress!
Click on the image to read the article!

Hotpress Track of the Day: 'Sleep Tonight' by Robb Murphy

Again, below are the links to pre-order ‘Sleep Tonight’. All proceeds will be donated to The Samaritans Belfast.

On Bandcamp the single comes with an extra track, ‘Bound For Your Arms’ – live for Sessions In The House.

Of course we hope that a lot of people will download the single thereby enabling the Samaritans to do many more great things!  And, we are hopeful that many people will watch the video, showing them the way to help. We ask you to help spread the word… so please tell your friends and your family and ask them to pass it on too!
Thank you for sharing the music!




Sleep Tonight ~ Story behind the song ~ Bound For Your Arms

We have something to celebrate this week! Sleep Tonight, Robb Murphy’s second album, was released 3 years ago!

Sleep Tonight is a special album; an album that brought us so much. Everything we did in the past years was related to the album… the single releases, live sessions, tours, videos etc. Not only did it bring us many great memories, it also brought a lot of opportunities. Robb was able to work less and focus more on the music. Life has changed!

To close out the album we’re going to release one more single, which will be the title track “Sleep Tonight”, featuring the Ulster String Quartet. The single will be released in June. An animation video of the full album version was made by the talented artist Maria Becvar. We’ve collaborated with the Samaritans to help promote Mental Health awareness and acceptance across all borders. The Samaritans will receive any proceeds.

Below some stills of the video:

The album Sleep Tonight was written during a month long stay in a remote house in Italy.
When Robb started working on the album, he wrote blogs about the songs. Some of you may remember that, but it’s a long time ago and the blogs aren’t online anymore. The blogs were saved and it’s so nice to read them again!

Every song tells a story and memories are attached to each song. We’ll be sharing the stories behind the songs from the album Sleep Tonight over the following months, starting with “Bound For Your Arms”, the first song Robb wrote during his stay in Italy.

Here’s what Robb wrote about the song:

“Stop. Need Time. Slow Down. Breathe. Words that hang above my head for most of the year, it’s so easy to get caught up in all the things you need to do, but not what you want to do. I could easily be one of them people who run away to a secluded place, just making what you need to survive on. Maybe I will, but I do like normal life too, like anything after a while that you take for granted, when its gone you miss it.

Siena was one of our favourite places, a relaxed atmosphere. We would sit in the centre piazza in early evening, people watching, while the setting sun cast a slow moving shadow across the warm stone ground.

This album concept is all about back to basics, making something from nothing. I like food, similar concept here, back to basics, bread making, or even before that, fire starting!


After a busy year in which everything seemed to be running into each other, I wanted to slow things down.  This was the first song I wrote when I arrived at the house in Italy.  The distant beat you can hear in the instrumental section is a pencil on my lyric note pad.”

Below you can listen to the album version of the song:

A couple of weeks ago Robb and the band played “Bound For Your Arms” live for ‘Sessions in the House’. Watch the video below and please like & share!


Stay tuned for more stories behind the song!

Story behind the picture #3

“A picture is worth a thousand words”
This quote is so true…but even more so a picture is worth a thousand memories.

Forgotten memories… Pictures help to keep memories alive; they can transport you to a different time and place. Each picture holds a story…a story you may have forgotten about. One look at a picture can bring back those forgotten memories. You remember when the picture was taken, where it was, what happened during that day, who you were with and what the weather was like. It makes you relive that moment.
Thankfully a lot of pictures were taken in the past years. Robb posted the picture below a couple of days ago. And of course there’s a story to tell about this picture!

The photo was taken during a tour of The Netherlands a couple of years ago…very early in the morning… Seeing the picture immediately brings back the memories of that day. We had to get up very early in the morning to visit Ekxpresso, a Saturday morning radio show on KX Radio in Amsterdam at 7 am. With a gig the night before we only had a couple of hours of sleep.
Sleep-deprived we arrived at the radio station and we received a warm welcome from Jeroen van de Beek (presenter) and Walter Bakker (producer) with coffee and breakfast. As I already mentioned in a previous blog, silliness takes over when tiredness kicks in…and that’s exactly what happened during that radio show too.

After the show we went outside to take some pictures…it’s then when the picture above was taken. You may wonder what is happening there…what are they looking at?
Well…nothing really… Until today no one knows what they were looking at 😉
It’s just silliness taking over!

Below a video with footage filmed during this morning.

It definitely was a day to remember!


kx radio

Want to stay updated? You can find more about Robb Murphy and his music through the following links! 

Upcoming Tour Dates



Lend us your ears!

Music is the most popular art form in the world. It’s present in all cultures and brings people together. Music is everywhere. It’s by far is the most commonly experienced form of art, but it’s also an art form we all take for granted. Society seems to see music as a commodity, rather than a really important or vital aspect of our lives. Most people claim that they love music, music really is for everyone. We all identify with music and our musical tastes make us who we are and how the world sees us. If you ask someone if he/she likes music, you will (almost) always get a positive response, because there aren’t many people who don’t like music. But how many people truly listen to music and appreciate all that it has to offer?

I’ve always been a music lover but I never really thought about the production side of music and I sure wasn’t aware of how much time and work goes into the creation and production of a song. Little did I know when I started working on the music with Robb Murphy five and a half years ago…

That definitely has changed! I feel privileged to have seen and heard the development of many songs over the past years. It has made me appreciate music even more than I already did, because I learned to listen to music in a completely different way. I used to listen to music in a more passive way than I’m doing now. And when I was actively listening to music, I would listen with a focus on lyrics and the overall arrangement. A song would affect me or not.

I still listen to a lot of music and often it’s just passive listening, like we all do. For example listen to music while doing dishes, driving, doing laundry, and cleaning the house. But over the past five years that has changed and I adopted and learned active listening. Now I take much more time to truly listen to music without any distractions and by doing that I take so much more out of a song than I used to do and I appreciate music so much more.

Over to you. How do you listen to music? Do you take time to actively listen to music and how does it affect you? Feel free to leave a comment!

Since we’re on the subject, here’s your chance to actively listen to music! 😉
Robb posted this message on Facebook a couple of days ago and your input would be much appreciated.

Here’s what Robb says himself:
Next Time – A song we have been touring with for a few years and have already various live radio and TV performances recorded. This year a new studio mix will be released, I love the technical side of recording and production and so far I have recored and mixed the majority of our releases. I have recently been working with Lennart Gretenkord, a great guy and producer from Germany who most recently mastered our Christmas single, ‘North Star’. ( & We thought it would be great to have a sort of ‘mix off’ using Next Time. All the instruments were recorded at my studio and then Lennart and I both made our separate mixes.

So now it is over to you ! We would love to hear the feedback on which mix you prefer, of course they are both equally awesome (lol), but we would love some feedback and interaction from you. Have a listen on your phone, laptop, speakers, car and any other source and see which you think you prefer in terms of sound, vibe, energy, warm etc. or just which most you gravitate to, no need to get too technical.

All feedback, comments, are very welcome and please feel free to share to anyone who may be interested !

Thanks, Robb

Listen to the song below and please let us know which mix you prefer! It will only take 6 minutes of your time… We would love to hear your input/feedback!


Schermafdruk 2018-02-18 19.02.48

Story behind the picture #2

What’s going on in this picture? Well…it’s just another day in Mr. Murphy’s life… 😉

There’s more to tell about this picture though.
Two years ago Robb released ‘Headstrong’. For this song a video was created, involving a bunch of animals who escaped from the zoo.
In the run-up to the release we shared photos of the making of the video, created a story around the animals and also shared photos of animals taking over Robb’s house. Next to that a few promotional videos were made. When the picture above was taken, Robb was filming this video…animal on the loose…

…and then his phone rang… 😆
The person Robb was speaking to probably never knew what was happening.

For the next video Robb dressed up as a zookeeper… trying to catch those pesky animals:

Thinking back about the ‘Headstrong’-release makes me giggle. The making of the video and the run-up to the release brought so much fun and laughter!

Here’s a link to the pictures of the video shoot. This will give you an idea of how the making of the video went:

Preparing the release and the making of the video took up a lot of time. Many people were involved with the video, including friends, family, band members and even The Ulster Quartet!
Along the process more ideas came up and there was this last minute idea to make a release video. Band members got involved once more to help with the making of that video. The animals took over Robb’s house…waiting for Mr Postman to deliver a ‘Headstrong’-vinyl.

The release of ‘Headstrong’ was a success; the song received a lot of critical acclaim. ‘Headstrong’ is one of Robb’s most streamed songs on Spotify and yesterday the video passed the 20000 views on YouTube.

Listen on Spotify through the following link. Please give Robb a follow while you’re there, so you’ll stay updated on future releases!

If you’re a vinyl lover…there are still some 7” vinyl singles left! You can get a copy through the following link:




Lazy Sunday


I’m definitely in energy saving mode today.
I woke up later than usual… It was already light outside…and cold so I decided to stay in bed a while longer, nice and warm. Waking up slowly, a nice and quiet moment before actually getting up. Suddenly the big pile of laundry I had been ignoring all week popped into my head…gone was that nice moment of relaxation…brutally interrupted by the image of laundry in my head… For a moment I was wondering if I could just ignore it another day, but that wouldn’t be an option… The children were already asking for their favourite clothes that had been sitting in the laundry basket for days… Unfortunately laundry doesn’t magically do itself… so after a big sigh I decided that it was time to get into action and get the laundry done today. Coffee first though! Coffee and breakfast! A little procaffeination won’t harm… Yes, I master the art of doing nothing until I’ve had my cup of coffee!

Laundry is done now…well partly…I only did what was necessary and decided to do the rest of the laundry in the following days…if I have (want to make) time for it…
I’ve put on some music and just made a big pot of tea. Next to coffee I’m a big tea lover. There’s a shop in my home town that sells loose tea and I love to try new flavours. Yesterday I went to buy some of my favourite tea and also bought a new flavour to try. Loose tea always tastes so good!

I’m sipping my tea while writing this blog and looking back on the past week. It’s been a busy week behind the scenes. Two bits of news you may have missed or may not have noticed yet.

Robb is featured artist on Coffee House Radio this month. Coffee House Radio features music from singers and songwriters. Online, they provide a 24/7 stream of music and featured artists. Next to that Coffee House Radio broadcasts an hour long radio program with music from some of today’s finest new and known singers and songwriters. The show is on WHFC, WMNB, and WCSQ. You can find Coffee House Radio on Twitter through the following link:
Visit their website to listen:

Over to the other bit of news. We received a great review of ‘North Star’ from Angry Baby !
“Glisteningly wintery, warm and fuzzy, the song holds an entire landscape in the simplest of arrangements.”
Read the full review through the following link:
While you’re there, check out their website! You will find some great new music on there!

Time to end this blog with a song. No better song to use for this blog than ‘Coffee & Tea’!
Have a listen! And…while you’re there on Spotify, please give Robb a follow!


Music to celebrate life


‘…Murphy’s lyrics are serene, subtle and tender…’

‘…it will stop anyone who appreciates quality music in their tracks…’

‘…There’s no doubt in my mind that these tunes will continue to impress folk lovers for years to come…’

Just a few quotes from a review we received of ‘The Mysteries of the Heart’ last week.
The review was written by Tommi Tikka, who’s the curator of the ‘Music To Celebrate Life’-playlist on

A couple of weeks ago I submitted ‘The Mysteries of the Heart’ to this playlist and a few days later Tommi Tikka got in touch with me. He listened to the song and was impressed. We had a nice conversation by email, some more information was exchanged and Tommi wrote a review.

We were really happy to read this review. First it’s encouraging and motivating when someone takes time to listen to the music, but it’s even more encouraging when the music stops people in their tracks and makes them listen to more. Receiving positive reviews and feedback is great but what makes a review special is when you read what a song does and how it affects someone.

As an artist, Robb writes and records a lot of music. Things that inspire him are just everyday situations, nature, dreams etc. Once a song is released we always hope that people will listen, but even more we hope that people can identify with the lyrics and that the music will affect them. There really is nothing more rewarding than that!

You can read the full review here:

If you’re a music lover and like to discover good playlists and new music on Spotify then take a moment to also check out – you can even become a ‘Music To’ playlist curator!
You can find all of their playlists through the following link:

‘The Mysteries of the Heart’ was released a couple of years ago as the first single from the album ‘Sleep Tonight’. There are several versions of the song. Listen below!


Story behind the picture #1

Robb posted this picture a couple of weeks ago. It sure got people’s attention and led to funny comments. Robb never revealed the story behind the picture though. It’s about time someone does! 😉

Seeing the picture immediately made me giggle…a reminder of good times!!
This photo was taken when we were packing up after the last show of the tour of The Netherlands in 2016.
At the start of the tour Robb showed us this video and asked if we had seen it yet:

The Pen Pineapple Apple Pen song… a video that went viral in no time!
This song became the theme of the tour.
I can’t remember how many times I heard someone sing this during the tour, but believe me…I heard it a lot!!:
“I have a pen, I have a apple

I have a pen, I have pineapple

Apple-Pen, Pineapple-Pen

Maybe you know the feeling of being tired and getting into a laughing stage at some point. Usually experienced with other over-tired friends; you start laughing at anything and everything and once it starts it’s almost impossible to make it stop. That’s what happens a lot during tours. When tiredness kicks in, silliness takes over.

That’s exactly what is going on in this picture. Everyone was tired after a whole week of touring, we were packing up after the last show when someone decided it was time for one more “pen pineapple apple pen” dance.

pen pineapple pen

So, that’s the story behind this picture. Keep an eye out on Robb’s Facebook page and this blog, because I’ll write more stories behind the picture soon!

One last bit of news before I end this blog.
In case you missed it on social media, we were happy and pleased to see that Pure M Magazine included North Star in their ‘Best of 2017 in Irish Music’!!
PureMZine Best of 2017 in Irish Music..

If you didn’t hear ‘North Star’ yet…you can listen to it on Spotify:

Please hit the follow button while you’re there!